Command-line tools for astronomy and astrophysics
src Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for src:


file  add_magnitudes.f90
 Add magitudes and compute the total magnitude.
file  arcsec2deg_rad.f90
 Convert an angle expressed in arcseconds to degrees and radians.
file  azimuth2winddir.f90
 Convert azimuth to wind direction.
file  cal2gps.f90
 Convert calendar date/time to GPS time (1/1/2000 = 630720013.0)
file  cal2jd.f90
 Compute the Julian day for a given calendar date.
file  cal2times.f90
 Convert calendar date/time from the system clock or command line to different time formats.
file  cal2unix.f90
 Convert calendar date/time to UNIX time stamp 0 = 1/1/1970 = JD 2440587.5.
file  code_version.f90
 Source file generated by CMake to report the astroTools version used.
file  comet_eq2ap.f90
 Calculate comet a,P from e and q.
file  dd2dms_rad.f90
 Convert an angle expressed in decimal degrees to degrees and arcminutes, degrees, arcminutes and arcseconds, and radians.
file  distance_in_sky_ecl.f90
 Calculate the angular distance between two positions on a stellar globe, in ecliptic coordinates (or any other system with longitude and latitude in degrees, like galactic)
file  distance_in_sky_eq.f90
 Calculate the angular distance between two positions on a stellar globe, in equatorial coordinates.
file  dms2dd_rad.f90
 Convert an angle expressed in degrees, arcminutes and arcseconds to decimal degrees and radians.
file  eq2hor.f90
 Convert equatorial coordinates to horizontal.
file  functions.f90
 General procedures for astroTools.
file  gps2cal.f90
 Convert GPS time to calendar date and time.
file  jd2cal.f90
 Compute the calendar date, time and GMST for a given Julian day.
file  jd2times.f90
 Convert a Julian day to different time formats.
file  planetdata.f90
 Display the rise and set times of the Sun, the Moon and the planets for a given date and time, their.
file  rad2dd_dms.f90
 Convert an angle expressed in radians to decimal degrees, degrees and arcminutes, and degrees, arcminutes and arcseconds.
file  rect2spher.f90
 Convert rectangular coordinates to spherical coordinates.
file  settings.f90
 Display or set the astroTools settings file.
file  time2hms.f90
 Convert time expressed in decimal hours to hours and minutes, and hours, minutes and seconds.
file  unix2cal.f90
 Convert UNIX time stamp to calendar.